Kosmologi adalah studi tentang alam semesta secara keseluruhan. Di dalamnya, kita mempelajari hal-hal seperti, “Kapan alam semesta bermula?”, “Kapan alam semesta berakhir?”, “Bagaimana bentuk alam semesta ini?”, dan lain-lain. Saya akan membagikan ringkasan materi dari Buku “Introduction to Cosmology (Second Edition)” oleh Prof. Barbara Ryden (2016) dan sedikit catatan perkuliahan dari Pengantar Kosmologi (AS 3201). Apabila terdapat kesalahan dan tambahan, hubungi email fikri666mfan@gmail.com.
Berikut adalah daftar materi Pengantar Kosmologi
- Bab 1: Pendahuluan
- Bab 2: Newton vs Einstein
- Bab 3: Dinamika Kosmik
- Bab 4: Alam Semesta Komponen Tunggal
- Bab 5: Alam Semesta Banyak-Komponen
- Bab 6: Mengukur Parameter Kosmologi
- Bab 7: Materi Gelap
- Bab 8: Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB)
- Bab 9: Nukleosintesis Dan Alam Semesta Dini
- Bab 10: Inflasi Dan Alam Semesta Sangat Dini
- Bab 11: Pembentukan Struktur Skala Besar: Ketidakstabilan Gravitasi
- Bab 12: Pembentukan Struktur Skala Besar: Baryon Dan Foton
Tentang Introduction to Cosmology
Introduction to Cosmology provides a rare combination of a solid foundation of the core physical concepts of cosmology and the most recent astronomical observations. The book is designed for advanced undergraduates or beginning graduate students and assumes no prior knowledge of general relativity. An emphasis is placed on developing the readers' physical insight rather than losing them with complex math. An approachable writing style and wealth of fresh and imaginative analogies from "everyday" physics are used to make the concepts of cosmology more accessible. The book is unique in that it not only includes recent major developments in cosmology, like the cosmological constant and accelerating universe, but also anticipates key developments expected in the next few years, such as detailed results on the cosmic microwave background.
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