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Review Game Terragenesis: Simulasi Kolonisasi dan Terraforming oleh Empat Faksi

Review Game Terragenesis: Simulasi Kolonisasi dan Terraforming oleh Empat Faksi Di masa depan yang dekat, peradaban manusia begitu maju sehingga mampu untuk mengkolonisasi planet lain. Menggunakan kekuatan uang, politik, sains, dan teknologi, mereka bekerjasama untuk bisa mewujudkan hal tersebut. Namun, perbedaan tujuan dan pandangan ideologi membuat manusia terpecah menjadi empat faksi. Keempat faksi itu adalah Daughter of Gaia, UNSA (United Nations Space Administration), Horizon Corporation, dan Sons of Hephaestus. Mereka memiliki kelebihan, kekurangan, dan keistimewaaan masing-masing.  Gambar 1. Salah satu faksi dalam TerraGenesis, yakni Daughters of Gaia Faksi Daughter of Gaia bertujuan untuk membuat “dunia lain” atau berbagai planet dan bulan menjadi surga baru bagi kehidupan. Dengan kata lain, mereka ingin men-terraform segalanya; berbeda sekali dengan faksi Sons of Hephaestus. Faksi ini cenderung percaya bahwa manusia tidak memiliki hak untuk mengkontaminasi “dunia lain”. Me...

The Arknight’s Gist

The Arknight’s Gist:  Introduction and Episode 01: Evil Time  March 20, 2021 Arknights is a tower-defense-like mobile game that made by Chinese company, Hypergryph, and released in 2019. It also contains gacha elements, waifu materials, and other things that the anime nerds should’ve known it. However, the most important thing that made me curious and interested is the world-building of the story that is really well-made. Some folks on the Internet often praised it because the consistent narrative and almost of every element in the game has eachr ole. The character building is great because, beside their dialogues in the story, the game provided them with voice lines, character’s profiles, medical examinations, and background stories (and if you want to know more, you must increase his/her “Trust” to you), and of course, the arts/skins--except for the summer skins!  Okay, if that explanation doesn’t fascinate you enough, I will show you the premise. In Terra, a world that...

Peace was Never an Option

Peace was Never an Option  Did you agree if your rights are violated, then the villain give apology and youjust accept it peacefully?  I think I won’t just let it goes like that and “peace was never an option”. (Just lookat the fiery anger in that chicken’s eyes!) I have several reasons that I’ll explainthemin the following.  First, if we claim that we have freedom, we must fight to achieve it. Violationagainst our rights is the same as violation against our freedom. “We must tatakae, tatakae, tatakae! ... (fight)”, like Eren or the Attack Titan said. Don’t be like Arminwho thinks that talk is enough to settle things down. Especially, don’t try it whenwehave lower position or doesn’t have an ace under our sleeve in negotiation or thepeace talk. If we are doing it, maybe we would ended up like Indonesian who lost more than 50% of their territory against Netherland, including their capital city, in1950s!  Second, peace talk is often useless. It’s not effective enough i...

How I Ended Up Being an Astronomy Student and I Love It

  How I Ended Up Being an Astronomy Student and I Love It  I actually have a life plan for my 40s in the future. I choose 40s because somepeople said that it is the year of someone’s peak of success or failure. I’d madetheplan in the middle school. But it still had various and, for my current’s condition, irrelevant objectives. Now that I’m an astronomy student, I’ve choosen a pathandI’m happy about it.  I always want to state that I’m proud and grateful with this path of life. I feel that I was destined to be in this “star line” indeed. It feels like my childhood was givingsome “spoilers” ahead. My father was an astronomy enthusiast. He had a hobbytocalculate lunar calendar. He also still had used his middle school notes about falakcourse (Islamic astronomy), combined with current modern books. I was interestedin those books. Books after books, I looked out for the picture of the planets inthespace and, even more exciting for me, their terrains. I also had fun with readi...

Why Does Face-to-Face Communication Feel Better?

  Why Does Face-to-Face Communication Feel Better? Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Face-to-face communication is better than other types of communication, such as letters, email, or telephone calls. I believe that face to face communication is still a top mode of communication. I have several reasons that are viewed from different perspectives. I will explain them in the following. First, talking can deliver messages faster than typing. Although our mind can be translated into words more accurate with typing, it lacks interactivity. Imagine if we want to interview somebody. We ask our guests, but they are too slow to respond back because they want their answer more appropriate. Even if they give us the answer, maybe we want to clarify a bit of information that they’d delivered, so we ask again with small questions. They’ll give us the clarification, but of course it’ll take  a lot of time. Second, it contains subtle communication that other modes of comm...

Traditional vs Online Encyclopedia

 Traditional vs Online Encyclopedia The article tells us about how traditional encyclopedia is more superior than online communal encyclopedia. The author stated several problems that online encyclopedia faced and the lecturer countered those arguments. Here’s the summary of that debate. First, the author stated that online encyclopedia lacks credibility because it doesn’t say anything about its content writers’s background. Everybody can contribute to that encyclopedia. Meanwhile at traditional encyclopedia, only professionals do that job. But the lecturer argued that every encyclopedia never has been 100% accurate, even if the writers are professionals. Besides, online encyclopedia credibility can be improved with easier correction that the traditional one lacks. Second, online encyclopedia is more prone to be hijacked because of its openness. It wouldn’t happen in a traditional one because it has its publisher team. But, the improvement can be applied in online encyclopedia if i...

The Dilemma of Private Fossil Trade

  The Dilemma of Private Fossil Trade Many people have traded fossils for private purposes for centuries, yet it still poses some protests now. It is told that scientists and general public would have many disadvantages because of that business activities. But, some also argued that those activities are not that bad and the benefits are more than the side effects. First, if fossils are not traded with the government or public organization, the public would have less access to them. The fossils are not seen much anymore in museums. But in reality, not every fossil is purchased by the rich. We, ordinary people or school, can also purchase the less rare one.  Second, scientists also are also having the same difficulty. They have to rent or buy the fossils for research purposes. But, this is not entirely true. If someone found something odd, like fossil, and they don’t know anything about that, they would have handed it first to other people who know it. So, scientists will not mi...

Why the Government Has to Make Programming Mandatory Lesson

I think our government has to make programming as a primary lesson in our curriculum. Scientists said that we will be (or have been) in the age of automationand artificial intelligence, so it is important indeed. But it is not just to make thepeople have skill for future jobs. It also can leverage our society to the next level.  Programming teaches us about learning in general. A certain saying said that experience is our best teacher. But how do we obtain the experience? It seems that, so far, we just encountered many different problems everyday and have to faceit or avoid it. We are just trying to have experiences, but it often just yields a memory, not the real experience. We also seldom evaluate our problem, so we rarely havefeedbacks. Thereby, we can’t learn well from “the best teacher” so far. But, withprogramming, we can train ourself regularly. We also not overwhelmed by facingvarious random problems because we have clear goal(s). If we make mistakes, wewill get error messa...

Tahun 2020, Tahun Kenormalan Baru

Tahun 2020, Tahun Kenormalan Baru Mohamad Fikri Aulya Nor, Astronomi ITB Awal Juni 2020, banyak daerah yang sudah mulai menerapkan AKB (Adaptasi Kebiasaan Baru) atau sering disebut sebagai new normal . Tempat-tempat umum, seperti masjid, sudah mulai kembali dibuka. Layanan jasa transportasi roda dua diperbolehkan kembali beroperasi. Namun, masyarakat diminta untuk tetap mengikuti protokol kesehatan untuk mencegah peredaran wabah Covid-19. Apabila hal ini dilanggar, dikhawatirkan gelombang kedua wabah akan terjadi. Wabah Covid-19 bukan hanya mendorong terjadinya new normal di Tanah Air, melainkan seluruh masyarakat dunia. Bahkan jika di negara tersebut angka pasien Covid-19-nya menurun atau bahkan nol, perekonomian, politik, dan tatanan kehidupan sebagainya pasti terpengaruh. Kita hidup di era global di mana semua negara, bahkan semua orang saling terhubung dan mempengaruhi walaupun tidak secara langsung.  Alam pun tak luput mempengaruhi dan dipengaruhi oleh ulah ma...

Smart Tech, Dumb People

Smart Tech, Dumb People Ilustrasi Singularitas Teknologi. Sumber gambar: Oleh: Fikri Aulyanor 15 Januari 2019 Sebenarnya, alasan manusia menciptakan teknologi adalah untuk membuat segala pekerjaannya menjadi cepat, efektif, dan efisien. Setelah muncul otomasi dan Internet, dan sekarang ditambah AI (Artificial Intelligence), produktivitas manusia sangat meningkat pesat dengan effort yang sangat minimal. Jelas, kehidupan manusia sangat jauh lebih mudah dibandingkan sebelumnya. Maka dari itu, jika kita mendengar kata “teknologi”, otak kita selalu menganggapnya “baik“. Bagaimana tidak, siapa yang tidak ingin hidup mudah tanpa bersusah payah? Namun, bagaimana jika teknologi ternyata merupakan suatu bentuk penyebab “kemalasan” manusia? Atau yang lebih ekstrem, teknologi diartikan sebagai “pelemahan” terhadap segala lini kehidupan manusia, termasuk intelektualitas. Dalam artian, kemudahan teknologi, membuat ...