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Review Game Terragenesis: Simulasi Kolonisasi dan Terraforming oleh Empat Faksi

Review Game Terragenesis: Simulasi Kolonisasi dan Terraforming oleh Empat Faksi Di masa depan yang dekat, peradaban manusia begitu maju sehingga mampu untuk mengkolonisasi planet lain. Menggunakan kekuatan uang, politik, sains, dan teknologi, mereka bekerjasama untuk bisa mewujudkan hal tersebut. Namun, perbedaan tujuan dan pandangan ideologi membuat manusia terpecah menjadi empat faksi. Keempat faksi itu adalah Daughter of Gaia, UNSA (United Nations Space Administration), Horizon Corporation, dan Sons of Hephaestus. Mereka memiliki kelebihan, kekurangan, dan keistimewaaan masing-masing.  Gambar 1. Salah satu faksi dalam TerraGenesis, yakni Daughters of Gaia Faksi Daughter of Gaia bertujuan untuk membuat “dunia lain” atau berbagai planet dan bulan menjadi surga baru bagi kehidupan. Dengan kata lain, mereka ingin men-terraform segalanya; berbeda sekali dengan faksi Sons of Hephaestus. Faksi ini cenderung percaya bahwa manusia tidak memiliki hak untuk mengkontaminasi “dunia lain”. Mereka

“Bulan Mini”, Satelit Alami Sekunder Bumi

“Bulan Mini”, Satelit Alami Sekunder Bumi Apa jadinya kalau Bumi kita mempunyai dua bulan? Sepertinya keren untuk difoto, tapi pasti akan mengubah banyak fenomena di Bumi. Mulai dari pasang surut air laut sampai kalender lunar (termasuk Hijriah), semuanya akan berbeda dengan sebelumnya. Nyatanya, pada awal 2020, astronom menemukan asteroid yang sempat menjadi satelit kedua Bumi, lho! Asteroid yang bernama 2020 CD3 ini ditemukan oleh astronom  T. A. Pruyne, K. W. Wierzchos, dan D. Rankin pada 15 Februari 2020 di Observatorium Mount Lemmon. Lalu, kenapa sekarang kita tidak melihat “bulan” baru itu di langit? Karena ukurannya sangat kecil, hanya berkisar 1 m, dan mempunyai magnitudo absolut sekitar 31,9. Pada saat ditemukan, magnitudo tampanya adalah sekitar 20. Padahal, bintang teredup yang bisa dilihat oleh mata adalah magnitudo sekitar 6 (semakin besar nilai magnitudo, semakin redup). Selain itu, tidak ada pengaruh berarti bagi kehidupan di Bumi karena gangguannya pasti sangat kecil. O

The Arknight’s Gist

The Arknight’s Gist:  Introduction and Episode 01: Evil Time  March 20, 2021 Arknights is a tower-defense-like mobile game that made by Chinese company, Hypergryph, and released in 2019. It also contains gacha elements, waifu materials, and other things that the anime nerds should’ve known it. However, the most important thing that made me curious and interested is the world-building of the story that is really well-made. Some folks on the Internet often praised it because the consistent narrative and almost of every element in the game has eachr ole. The character building is great because, beside their dialogues in the story, the game provided them with voice lines, character’s profiles, medical examinations, and background stories (and if you want to know more, you must increase his/her “Trust” to you), and of course, the arts/skins--except for the summer skins!  Okay, if that explanation doesn’t fascinate you enough, I will show you the premise. In Terra, a world that is almost sim

A Brief Review of Ikiru (1952)

A Brief Review of Ikiru (1952)  Ikiru is one of the greatest works of Akira Kurosawa, infamous Japanese filmmaker. Many said that his films often inspired many western movies, for example, Star Wars. The lead actor of this film is Takashi Shimura. He is praised in this filmbecause of his acting that give a certain degree of emotional depth to viewers. Thisfilm is telling us about the story of a “dead-inside” oldman who eventually liveanactual life after facing a death sentence. Here is my summary of it.  Watanabe have worked as a sector chief of Public Affairs for nearly 30 years. But hedoesn’t seem bored, despite always doing the same activity everyday. His colleagues astonished as he never absent in that period.  But the thing is changed when his stomachache got more severe. The doctor said, in indirect way, that he got stomach cancer. This is pretty much a death sentence. Knowing that he can’t live for more than 6 months, he is depressed and lost his conscience.  In the house, there

Peace was Never an Option

Peace was Never an Option  Did you agree if your rights are violated, then the villain give apology and youjust accept it peacefully?  I think I won’t just let it goes like that and “peace was never an option”. (Just lookat the fiery anger in that chicken’s eyes!) I have several reasons that I’ll explainthemin the following.  First, if we claim that we have freedom, we must fight to achieve it. Violationagainst our rights is the same as violation against our freedom. “We must tatakae, tatakae, tatakae! ... (fight)”, like Eren or the Attack Titan said. Don’t be like Arminwho thinks that talk is enough to settle things down. Especially, don’t try it whenwehave lower position or doesn’t have an ace under our sleeve in negotiation or thepeace talk. If we are doing it, maybe we would ended up like Indonesian who lost more than 50% of their territory against Netherland, including their capital city, in1950s!  Second, peace talk is often useless. It’s not effective enough if the villain is so